Risk-Based Testing for AI

Risk-Based Testing for AI

Article by Dr Stuart Reid – Convenor, Working Group 26


Risk-based testing (RBT) has been around in various forms since the early 1990s and accepted as a mainstream approach for the last 25 years.  It is the basis for the ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 series of software testing standards, which mandate that all testing should be risk-based.  RBT is also an integral part of tester certification schemes, such as ISTQB, which means that globally well over a million testers have been taught the RBT approach.

AI has been around even longer than RBT, however it is only in the last few years that it has become a mainstream technology, which many of us now rely on.  This evolution from the lab to its day-to-day use, sometimes in critical areas, has meant that there is now an increasing acceptance that commercial AI systems need to be systematically tested.  The widespread lack of public trust in AI systems reinforces the need for a more professional approach to the testing of these systems.

According to some data scientists, AI is so different from traditional software that new approaches to developing these systems are needed, including how they are tested, and by whom. This article introduces the basic concepts of RBT, demonstrates its adaptable nature, and shows how it can, and should, be used for the testing of machine-learning systems (MLS).

This article lists many of the risks that are unique to MLS, and, through these, identifies several new test types and techniques that are needed to address these risks.  This article concludes by explaining the need for specialist testers who understand not only these new test types and techniques, but also the AI technology that forms the basis of these systems.

Risk and IT Systems

We all use risk on a day-to-day basis in our daily lives (e.g. ‘should I walk the extra 50 metres to the pedestrian crossing or save time and cross here?’) and similarly many businesses are based on the management of risk, perhaps most obviously those working in finance and insurance.

For those who work in the development and testing of IT systems, the use of a risk-based approach has long been accepted as a means of ensuring trust in such systems.  Many sector-specific standards, some of which date back nearly 40 years, exist for both safety-related and business-critical areas, and define requirements based on risk for both software development and testing.

Why Risk-Based Testing?

Risk-based testing provides several benefits, such as:

More Efficient Testing  If we use risk-based testing, we identify those parts of the system under test that are higher risk and we then spend a higher proportion of our test effort on those parts.  Similarly, we spend less of our test effort in the areas that are lower risk.  This typically results in a more efficient use of testing resources – with fewer high-scoring risks becoming issues after the system is delivered.  This aspect of RBT can simply take the form of adjusting the amount of test effort used, but it can also include the use of specialist types of testing to address specific risk areas (e.g. if we have a user interface risk, we may decide to perform specialist usability testing to address the risk).

Test Prioritization  If we know which of our tests are associated with the highest risks, then we can schedule those tests to run earlier. This has two main benefits. First, if our testing is ever cut short, we know we have already addressed the highest risk areas. Second, it means that when we do find a problem in a high-risk area, then we have more time left to address it.

Risk-Based Reporting and Release  By using a risk-based approach, then at any time, we can easily report on the current state of the system in terms of the outstanding risks (i.e. those risks that have not been tested and treated).  This allows us to advise the project manager and customer that if they decide to release the system now, then all the risks we have not yet tested still exist (and so they are accepting the system with those risks).  Thus, any decision they make to release the system can be based on risks that they know about and have agreed exist.

The RBT Process

Risk-based testing follows a typical risk management process, a simplified version of which is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Simplified Risk Management Process

First, we identify any applicable risks.  Next, we assess these risks so that we can estimate their relative importance.  And then we decide which of the risks can be handled by testing. Risk management is hardly ever a one-off, however, and normally it is an ongoing process that handles changing risks.

Risk Identification

RBT is concerned with the identification and management of two types of risks: project and product risks.

Project risks are the same type of risks as used by project managers (often documented in a Project Risk Register). They are largely concerned with whether we will deliver on time and within budget.  Project risks also cover the availability of suitably-skilled testers and the likelihood of code being delivered to the testers from the developers on time.  As a test manager, the project risks can have a huge influence on the type and amount of testing we include in the test plan. For instance, using a new test technique may introduce the risk of a lack of required implementation skills in the test team and a risk of increased test tool costs.

Product risks are more specific to testing.  These are risks associated with the deliverable product and so these are the risks that tend to affect the end users. At a high level, we may consider product risks in terms of functional and non-functional quality attributes. For instance, a functional product risk may be that the software controlling the car window fails to respond appropriately when the closing window encounters a child’s head.  Non-functional product risks could be that the user interface for the in-vehicle infotainment system is difficult to read in bright sunlight (perhaps due to poorly-managed contrast and brightness), or that the response times when a driver selects a new function are too slow.

When attempting to identify risks, we ideally need to involve a wide variety of stakeholders.  This is because different stakeholders know about different risks and we want to find as many potential risks as possible (if we miss an important risk, it is highly-likely that we will fail to test the corresponding part of the system in sufficient depth, so increasing the likelihood of missed defects in that area).

The requirements should always be considered as an important source of product risks.  Not delivering requested functionality is an obvious risk and one that the customer is unlikely to consider acceptable (so increasing the impact of this type of risk).

Risk Assessment

The score assigned to a risk is evaluated by considering a combination of the likelihood of the risk occurring and the impact of that risk if it becomes an issue.  In an ideal world, we would be able to precisely measure the size of each risk.  For instance, if the likelihood of a risk occurring was 50% and the potential loss was $100,000, we would assess that risk at $50,000 (risk score is normally calculated as the product of impact and probability).  In practice, it isn’t so simple.

We are rarely able to get the business to accurately tell us what the impact would be if a particular risk became an issue. Take, for example, risks associated with the user interface of an in-vehicle infotainment system.  We may know from feedback on the previous version, that car drivers found the user interface difficult to use, and so we have identified this as a risk with the new interface.  But what is the business impact? This can be extremely difficult to measure, even in retrospect, but predicting it before a vehicle even goes to market is practically impossible.

Calculating the probability of a risk becoming an issue is often considered an easier task, as we normally get the information needed to determine this from the developers and architects (who we, as testers, are normally closer to), and perhaps from historical defect data.  However, estimating the likelihood of a failure in a specific area is not an exact science.  We may talk to the architects and get their opinion on whether the part of the system associated with the risk is complex, or not.  We may talk to the developers and ask how they rate the likelihood of failure, which may depend on whether they are using unfamiliar development techniques or programming languages, and we could also estimate the capabilities of the architects and developers.  However, we are never going to be able to come up with a precise probability for a software part of the system failing (hardware is easier to predict).

So, if we cannot accurately assess risk score when performing RBT, what do we do?  First, we don’t measure risk absolutely.  Instead, we assess risks relative to each other, with the aim of determining which risks we need to test more rigorously and which risks we need to test less rigorously.  We make informed guesses.  This sounds unscientific, but, in practice, the differences between risk scores are normally so large that our informed guesses are good enough.

The most common approach to risk assessment for RBT is to use high, medium and low (for impact, likelihood and the resultant risk score).  Figure 2 shows how this can work.  The business provides a low, medium or high impact for a given risk, while the developers provide a low, medium or high probability of failure.  These are combined, as shown, and the resultant position on the graph gives us the relative risk score. It is important to emphasize that if actual numbers are assigned as risk scores (rather than simply reading off a ‘high’, ‘medium’ or ‘low’ risk score from the position on the graph) then these numbers are only useful for determining the relative exposure for different risks – the actual scores should not be used to directly determine how much testing to perform.  For instance, if we had two risks, one ‘Low-Low’ with a nominal score of 1, and one ‘High-High’ with a nominal score of 9, we do not assign nine times as much effort to the second risk than the first risk.  The scores, instead, should tell us that the second risk is relatively higher than the first risk, and so we should assign more testing to it. If you need to convince yourself that this is correct, you might like to try applying similar approaches to the same two risks but using different scales for impact and likelihood (e.g. 1 to 3 and 1 to 5) – you will soon see that the result can only be useful as a relative risk score.

Figure 2: Risk Scoring using High, Medium and Low

So far, so simple.  Here are some suggestions for when you use this approach. Make sure that the stakeholders who give you the scores for likelihood and impact use the full range (from low to high).  You will find that some stakeholders (especially users) think that ‘their’ part of the system is the most important part and so always score every risk in their area as high impact.  This is not especially useful, as we are trying to get relative scores, so that we can discriminate between risks, and if most risks are scored high then we cannot discriminate between them.

Also, ensure the stakeholders approve the risk scores. It can be extremely frustrating when a bug is found post-release when the customer complains that you should have found this bug because it was in a ‘high risk’ area. However, you can clearly recollect that they agreed to consider that area as low risk, resulting in comparatively less testing than performed in some of the other areas.

Finally, there is a third parameter that we often use in our calculation of the risk scores. This is the frequency of use.  Imagine we are performing a risk assessment and two system features are both assigned as high risk, but we know that the first feature is only used once per day, while the second feature is used every minute.  This extra information should tell us that the second feature warrants a higher risk score, as if that feature fails, the potential cost of failure will be far higher.

Risk Treatment

The third step of the RBT process is risk treatment.  At this point we typically have several options. For instance, we may decide that for a given, low-score, risk then the cost of testing is too high when compared with the cost of the risk becoming an issue. This is often the case for low-scoring risks – and it is quite common to set a threshold risk score, and not test risks that fall below this level.  Sometimes we might find that the testing costs for a given risk are very high (e.g. when we need specialist testers and tools) and may decide that it is not cost-effective to test that risk even when the risk score is relatively high. In such cases, we normally try and treat the risk another way, and we may ask the developers to try and reduce the risk, for instance, by introducing redundancy to handle a failure, or we may recommend that the users live without that feature in the system.

When we treat risks by testing, we are using testing to reduce the associated risk score. The score is reduced by decreasing the perceived probability of failure – if a test passes, then we conclude that the probability of failure is reduced (the impact typically stays the same). We cannot normally get rid of a risk completely in this way as testing cannot guarantee that the probability of failure is zero (we can never guarantee that no defects remain). However, if we test a feature and the test passes, we now know that for that set of test inputs in that test environment, the feature worked, and the risk did not become an issue. This should raise our confidence about this feature, and if we were to re-assess the risk we would assign it a lower probability of failure. This decrease may be enough to move the risk score below the threshold under which we have decided that testing is not worthwhile, otherwise we run more tests until our confidence is high enough (and our perceived probability of failure is low enough) to get the risk score below the threshold.

Risk treatment by testing can take several forms and is based on both the risk type and the risk score. At a high level, we often treat risks by deciding what is included in the test strategy.  For instance, we may decide which test levels to use on the project (e.g. if integration is considered high risk, we perform integration testing), and we may decide which test types to use for different parts of the system (e.g. if we have high-scoring risks associated with the user interface, then we are more likely to include usability testing as part of our test strategy).  Risks can also be used to decide which test techniques and test completion criteria are selected, and the choice of test tools and test environments can also be influenced by the assessed risks.

At a lower level, we may decide (as individual testers) how we will distribute our tests across a single feature based both on the assessed risks and our knowledge of the system and its users.  For instance, if we are testing a feature and we know that certain parts of it are used more often than others, it would be reasonable to spend more time testing the more frequently-used parts (all else being equal).

Good risk treatment is highly-dependent on the skills and experience of the tester (and test manager).  If we only know two test techniques then we have four possible options (use technique A, use technique B, use both techniques, or use neither).  However, if neither of the techniques we know is suitable for treating the perceived risk, then the effectiveness of our risk-based testing is going to be severely-limited.  On the other hand, if we have knowledge of a wide range of testing types and techniques, we are far more likely to be able to choose an appropriate treatment.

Why Not Requirements-Based Testing?

In the past, testing followed a requirements-based approach, where the testing simply covered those elements explicitly requested by the customer.

But what happens in the typical situation when the customer doesn’t state their requirements perfectly?  For instance, if they do not document all their required features, or they do not specify all the relevant quality attributes, such as response times, security requirements and the level of usability they needed.  The simple answer is that requirements-based testing does not cover these missing requirements – and so only provides partial test coverage of the system that the customer wants.

And what happens when the customer’s requirements aren’t all equally important (the normal state of affairs)?  With requirements-based testing, every requirement is treated the same – so our autonomous car would have its pedestrian avoidance subsystem tested to the same rigour as the in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) system.  Luckily, for safety-related systems we don’t use requirements-based testing alone – the sector-specific standards for such systems tell us that we must employ a risk-based approach with integrity levels.  However, with any system, if we treat all the requirements as equally important, this will lead to inefficient use of the available testing resources.

So, if requirements-based testing is inefficient and leads to poor test coverage, then what is the alternative?  Risk-based testing accepts that unstated requirements exist for all systems, and so missing requirements are treated as a known risk that needs to be handled.  When missing or poor requirements are perceived to be a high-enough risk, then the tester will normally talk to users and the customer to elicit further details about their needs to treat this risk. Testers may also decide to use a specific test approach, such as exploratory testing, which is known to be effective when complete requirements are unavailable.

RBT should NOT be a One-Off Activity

On many projects, risk-based testing is performed as a limited one-off activity, used only at the start of a project to create the test plan and its associated test strategy, after which nothing changes.  But, as is shown by the arrow returning to ‘identify risks’ in the simplified risk management process in Figure 1, RBT should continue as an ongoing set of activities, ideally until the system is retired.

As was mentioned previously, as soon as our tests start passing, our confidence increases, and the perceived probability of failure should decrease. Thus, as we run tests, the risk levels change, and so our testing should also change to reflect this.  However, it also works the other way – when our tests fail.  In this case the probability of failure (for these test inputs) is now 100% and we no longer have a risk, instead we have an issue that must be handled (risks have a probability of failure that is less than 100%, otherwise they are an issue).

One of the principles of testing is that defects cluster together, so when we find a defect, we should immediately consider the likelihood that we have just discovered part of a defect cluster.  Thus, the parts of the system near our newly-found defect will now have an increased likelihood of failure.  This will increase the associated risk score – and this should mean that more testing in this area is considered.

Risks do not only change because of the testing.  Customers often change their requirements mid-project, which immediately changes the risk landscape.  Also, external factors, such as the release of competing systems may change the business impact of certain risks (perhaps unique features are now more important) or it may be that the imminent release of a competing system means that delivery (and testing times) are shortened to allow release before the other system, so increasing project risks. Similarly, an unexpected winter ‘flu epidemic could also change project risks associated with the availability of testers and the associated capabilities in testing they provide.

RBT and AI Systems

So, does anything change when we test AI systems?  In short, the answer is ‘No’.  When testing, RBT can, and should, be applied to all systems, whether they contain AI components or not. However, the testing of AI systems is different than for traditional, non-AI systems – and that is because the risks are different.

There are many types of AI systems (e.g. machine-learning systems (MLS), logic- and knowledge-based systems, and systems based on statistical approaches), and each will have its own specific risks, so each type of AI system is tested differently.  At present, machine-learning systems are the most popular form of AI, and so we will next look at how we test MLS using RBT.

Risks Associated with Machine-Learning Systems

There is no definitive way of categorizing risks for MLS, but there are risks associated with both the development of the MLS and with the MLS itself.  MLS are different from other systems in that the core of the MLS, the model, is generated by an algorithm using patterns in the training data.  A high-level view of the creation and operation of an MLS is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Simple Machine Learning

In contrast to traditional, non-MLS, systems, the deployed MLS component, which is known as the ML model, is not programmed by a person, but is instead generated by a machine-learning algorithm.  This reusable algorithm (which is programmed by a person), is fed training data by the data scientist, and uses the patterns in this data to generate the model.  Once deployed, the model transforms similar real-world operational data into predictions, such as classifying whether an image is a cat or a dog.  Given the unique nature of MLS development, specialist frameworks are used by data scientists to develop ML models.

Using this description, we can break machine learning into three main areas, and classify risks associated with machine learning in terms of these areas:

  • Input data – concerned with the provision of the training data to support machine learning and the provision of production data used by the model in its operational environment.
  • Model – concerned with the generated ML model.
  • Development – concerned with the ML algorithm, the development of the model, and the ML development framework.

Input Data Risks

One noticeable distinction of MLS stems from the importance of data in the machine learning process. If the data used to train the model is flawed, then the resultant model will also be flawed.  For instance, you will have undoubtedly heard that some MLS have been found to be biased against some minority groups. Typically, this bias is not due to the machine learning process and algorithm (although that is a possibility), but is due to bias in the training data.  Thus, when building an MLS, data scientists should consider the risk that the data they use to train the system is biased.  It is often biased due to using historical data that is inherently biased (e.g. including views on race and gender from 50 years ago).  From an RBT perspective, if we know that biased training data is a potential risk for MLS, then we should consider how testing can be used to treat this risk. And, unsurprisingly, testing for bias in MLS is already quite well understood.

Bias is only one of several potential risks associated with the training data used to train MLS. The preparation of training (and operational) data for MLS is a complex task that consumes the highest proportion of data scientists’ effort, and so there are many chances for things to go wrong (and so for corresponding risks).  In the list below are some of the most common risks associated with input data for MLS:

  • Biased training data
  • Mishandled data acquisition
    • data from untrustworthy sources
    • insecure data input channels
  • Ineffective data governance
  • Issues with the data pipeline
    • software and hardware configuration management problems
    • potential data pipeline design defects
    • potential data pipeline implementation defects
  • Potential issues with the dataset as a whole
    • imbalanced by insufficient coverage of all target classes
    • internally inconsistent
    • skewed through data augmentation
    • sub-optimal feature selection
  • Potential issues with examples/instances
    • missing data
    • wrong data types
    • out of range data
    • outliers and extreme values
    • incorrectly labelled data
  • Unrepresentative training data
    • data focused on a subset of all use cases
    • datasets that do not provide coverage of all regions of the data space

ML Model Risks

In many respects, we can consider the model part of an MLS in much the same way as any small system, and there will be a set of functional risks associated with its provided functionality, which will change from system to system.

However, ML models do have some special characteristics that allow us to identify the following set of risks commonly associated with ML models:

  • Functional risks
    • wrong function learnt by the model
    • failure to achieve required ML model performance measures (e.g. lack of accuracy, recall)
    • probabilistic in nature and non-deterministic
    • biased or unfair ML model
    • unethical model
    • adversarial examples
    • overfitted model
    • unacceptable concept drift
    • model exhibits reward hacking
    • model causes side-effects
    • user dissatisfaction with model results
    • model API defect
  • Non-functional risks
    • lack of model robustness
    • inadequate model performance efficiency
  • Model deployment/use
    • inappropriate model structure (e.g. for deployment to target platform)
    • poor model documentation (e.g. function, accuracy, interface)
    • model updates decrease performance

Development Risks

As has already been described, MLS are created in quite a different way compared to traditional systems, using algorithms.  Most data scientists use specialist ML development frameworks to support the creation of MLS, and so it is not surprising that several ML-specific risks can be identified in the development area, such as:

  • ML development framework risks
    • sub-optimal framework selection
    • flawed framework installation or build
    • flawed implementation of evaluation
    • flaws introduced to models produced by algorithms
    • poor efficiency (e.g. framework slow or stops responding)
    • poor user interface
    • API misuse (e.g. API to a library, TensorFlow API)
    • used library defect (e.g. defect in CNTK, PyTorch)
    • security vulnerabilities
    • poor documentation (e.g. no help)
  • ML algorithm risks
    • sub-optimal algorithm selection
    • flawed algorithm (e.g. faulty algorithm implementation)
    • lack of explainability (e.g. selected algorithm is difficult to explain)
  • Training, evaluation and tuning risks
    • unsuitable algorithm/model selected
    • sub-optimal hyperparameter selection (e.g. network structure, learning rate)
    • flawed allocation of data to training, validation and testing datasets (e.g. not entirely independent)
    • poor selection of evaluation approach (e.g. n-fold cross-validation)
    • stochastic nature of the learning process (e.g. non-deterministic results, and difficulty in test reproducibility)
  • Deployment risks
    • deployment defect (e.g. generating the wrong version for a target platform)
    • incompatibility with operational environment

Assessing and Treating the Risks

As previously described, the assessment of risks to produce a risk score is based on a combination of impact and probability.  For the risks specific to MLS listed here, an average probability could possibly be estimated for a typical project, however the impact is always purely project-specific.

Where the identified risks can be treated by testing, several test types can be identified that could be selected as risk treatments and are specific to the testing of MLS.  The following lists of risk treatments are derived as potential treatments for the previously identified risks.

Input Data Risk Treatment through Testing

For the risks associated with test input data, the following ML-specific test types may be applicable as treatments:

  • Data Pipeline Testing
  • Data Provenance Testing
  • Data Sufficiency Testing
  • Data Representativeness Testing
  • Data Outlier Testing
  • Dataset Constraint Testing
  • Label Correctness Testing
  • Feature Testing
  • Feature Contribution Testing
  • Feature Efficiency Testing
  • Feature-Value Pair Testing
  • Unfair Data Bias Testing

In addition, Data Governance Testing, which is also used for non-AI systems, would also be appropriate for treating the risk of ineffective data governance.

ML Model Risk Treatment through Testing

One of the unusual characteristics of ML models is that the internal working of many of them (especially deep neural nets) are difficult to understand even when we do have access to them.  In this respect, we can consider an ML model to be similar to other systems where we don’t have access to the internal details of how they work. From a testing perspective, there is a whole class of ‘generic’ test techniques suitable for the testing of such systems, which are known as black-box test techniques.  Generic techniques (i.e. that also apply to non-AI systems) that have been identified as being suitable for treating ML model risks include:

  • A/B Testing
  • API Testing
  • Back-to-Back Testing
  • Boundary Value Analysis
  • Combinatorial Testing
  • Exploratory Testing
  • Fuzz Testing
  • Metamorphic Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • Scenario Testing
  • Smoke Testing
  • Performance Efficiency Testing

In addition to these generic test techniques, there are also several test types and test techniques that are specifically useful for the testing of MLS, such as:

  • Adversarial Testing
  • Model Performance Testing
    • Alternative Model Testing
    • Performance Metric Testing
  • Model Validation Testing
  • Drift Testing
  • Overfitting Testing
  • Reward Hacking Testing
  • Side-Effects Testing
  • White-Box Testing of Neural Networks
  • Ethical System Testing
  • Model Bias Testing
  • Model Documentation Review
  • Model Suitability Review

ML Development Risk Treatment through Testing

Several generic test techniques can be identified that are suitable for treating the risks associated with the development of ML models.  For the development framework, most of the identified techniques are non-functional, as the risk associated with the functionality of the framework is thought to be small for widely used frameworks. In contrast, the functionality of the ML algorithm is a well-known risk (in one study this was the major source of defects in MLS), and so several functional test techniques are included for testing the ML algorithm. The generic test techniques that can be applied to MLS, but are also used for non-AI systems, include:

  • API Testing (Development Framework)
  • Configuration Testing (Development Framework)
  • Installability Testing (Development Framework)
  • Security Testing (Development Framework)
  • Performance Testing (training the model)
  • Recoverability Testing (training data)
  • Roll-Back Testing (ML model)
  • ML Algorithm Testing
    • Code Review (ML algorithm)
    • Static Analysis (ML algorithm)
    • Dynamic Unit Testing (ML algorithm)

Several specialist test types can be identified specifically for the treatment of risks associated with the development framework, the ML algorithm, and the deployment of the ML model.  These ML-specific test types include:

  • Framework Suitability Review
  • Model Explainability Testing
  • Model Reproducibility Testing
  • ML Algorithm Testing
    • Algorithm/Model Suitability Review
    • Library Implementation Testing
    • Model Structure Testing
    • Algorithm Bias Testing
  • Deployment Optimization Testing
  • Model Deployment Testing

MLS – Project Risks

So far, we have identified product risks and associated treatments through RBT for MLS. These are risks of the deliverable MLS not meeting user needs. However, when performing RBT, we also need to consider project risks, and there are some obvious project risks that threaten the successful testing of the MLS.

We only consider here project risks that affect the testing and are specific to MLS. If you were responsible for testing a MLS, you would also have to consider the generic risks to testing that apply to all projects, such as the estimates for testing being inaccurate and the developers failing to deliver the software under test when agreed. Unhappily, the generic project risk where developers do not understand RBT, but feel qualified to advise testers on how to do their jobs, can also apply to data scientists working on MLS.

A small sample of the project risks that can threaten the success of testing MLS include:

  • The availability of testers experienced with MLS is inadequate
  • The availability of training for testers on MLS is lacking
  • Testers familiar with the test types that are specific to MLS are unavailable
  • The approach for testing probabilistic systems is not understood
  • The approach for testing non-deterministic systems is not understood
  • Tool support for statistical testing of probabilistic systems is lacking
  • The definition of MLS performance metrics is inadequate to use them as acceptance criteria
  • Ongoing testing for concept drift is not considered
  • White-box coverage measures for neural nets are immature

Is Testing MLS Different from Testing non-AI Systems?

Yes, and no.  No – it is not different, because risk-based testing should be used for all systems.  Yes – it is different, because many of the risks are different.  But the risks for any two systems, whether they are AI or non-AI are always different.

Because MLS have some specific risk types, then the testing of MLS will often require the use of test types that specifically treat those risks and that are only useful for testing MLS.  For instance, in the previous section, Unfair Data Bias Testing was identified, and would be used as a treatment for biased training data. This risk and test type are both specific to the testing of MLS, in the same way that protocol testing is specific to the testing of telecommunications systems, content-auditory testing is specific to the testing of sound in computer games, and schema/mapping testing is specific to the testing of databases.

The Need for Specialist AI Testers

As we have seen, there are several test types and techniques that are specific to the testing of MLS.  This means that testers of these systems need to know how to apply these test types and techniques, a set of skills that is not needed for the testing of non-AI systems. It is also a distinct advantage to understand the underlying technology of the system you are testing.  In the case of testing MLS, that means understanding how these systems are built, which is a skill that is not needed by testers of non-AI systems.

Thus, the unique risks associated with MLS mean that there are specialist skills needed by the testers of MLS systems. A similar argument applies to the skills needed by the testers of other types of AI systems.  A current challenge for those responsible for the development and testing of AI-based systems, is that there are very few testers available with these skills.  So far, very few data scientists have moved across to be testers, and who can blame them given the current demand and high pay available for data scientists. Also, until recently, there have been very few training courses available for testers of traditional non-AI systems, who wish to extend their skillset to include the testing of AI systems. Happily, there is now an ISTQB certification for testing AI systems with several training providers supporting it. There are also testing standards under development in this area, which should provide a foundation to the topic of testing AI-based systems and support the development of future training courses.


This article initially introduced the basic concepts behind risk-based testing (RBT), which is known to be best practice for today’s professional testers.  RBT should be used for the testing of all systems and is mandated by the ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 series of software testing standards and is a fundamental part of the ISTQB certifications.

AI is becoming increasingly widespread, however the public’s distrust in AI systems appears to be increasing. We must address this lack of trust, and testing is a key part of the technological solution to this (we also need far better communications with users about AI).

Machine learning systems (MLS) are currently by far the most widely used form of AI systems, and this article shows how the unique risks associated with MLS can be used to identify the most appropriate test types and techniques using a risk-based testing approach.

These MLS-specific test types and techniques will be new to most testers. If we are to increase trust in MLS through more effective and efficient testing, then we need to raise the maturity of the testing used for MLS. A first step towards achieving this is to acknowledge that the testing of MLS is a distinct specialism of professional testing and then identify ways in which this specialism can be supported.



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